Norms of Promotion



Apart from the minimum qualification prescribed by the Central Board, the school has its own norms of eligibility for promotions. Eligibility will depend on the following:

  • Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year's work; hence the importance of regularity in work and performance in the examinations are essential.
  • For students of class IX and X, by way of preparation for the Board examination, there will be comprehensive examinations covering the whole year. Promotions will be based on the requirement of attendance, Formative and Summative Evaluation (year's average of two terminal examinations).
  • In the lower standards the students must have at least 40% in all terminals as well as final examinations. Any student, however, who in the opinion of the principal is not ready for the next standard, shall be detained.
  • A student who fails twice in the same class or who is above average age fails in different classes will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  • If a student has to leave the school, the Transfer Certificates issued after the final examination will state clearly that the student was "Promoted" or "Not Promoted" according to the actual results.
  • A student who shows no signs of improvement or who fails twice during the course of his/her studies in the school shall not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  • The results declared at the end of the year are final and cannot be reconsidered.
  • A child who is not promoted for consecutive two years,he/she has to leave school.
St Ignatius School